Monthly Archives: July 2014

Same-Sex Sexual Harassment Claims: Just as Powerful as Opposite-sex Harassment Claims

The right to work in an environment free from sexual or gender based harassment is a federal and California civil right. Sexual harassment includes the the unwanted and unwelcomed visual, verbal or physical conduct that is sex-based or of a sexual nature or requests for sexual favors. If an employee is sexually harassed by his or her supervisor, an employer is liable for those damages incurred by the employee as a result of the sexual harassment. But is an employer potentially still liable for sexual harassment that occurs between an employee and supervisor of the same sex?

Sexual Harassment Attorney – Same Sex Harassment?

In recent a case from this year, Lewis v. City of Bencia, Brian Lewis, a paid intern and heterosexual man, sued his former employer, the City of Bencia, and his former supervisors for sexual harassment and retaliation. Lewis’ supervisor showed him pornography on the office computer and consistently told him inappropriate sexual jokes. The supervisor also bought Lewis lunch on numerous occasions and gave him numerous gifts while Lewis was employed with the City. One such gift was tuxedo underwear. Lewis claimed that the supervisor had asked whether he can visit Lewis’ home and once asked Lewis why he has not kissed him yet. On another occasion, a different supervisor also showed Lewis pornography on the office computer.

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Filed under Harassment, Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Orientation Discrimination